PIRFO Trainers
The Road to Becoming a PIRFO Trainer and Assessor
The PIRFO Trainer Development Programme
SPC and FFA have been developing and running a Pacific Islands Regional Fisheries Observer (PIRFO) Trainer Development Programme (PTDP) since 2008. Candidates from Pacific Island countries such as PNG, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, FSM and Fiji have been or are involved in the PTDP.
Outline of the PIRFO Trainer Development Programme
The PTDP has the following components:
A certified PIRFO Trainer will be eligible for employment alongside other certified PIRFO Trainers to help organise and deliver PIRFO Basic Training. They can also deliver refresher training and other in-house training activities, such as specialist training units that they have been endorsed to deliver1.
A certified PIRFO Trainer will NOT be eligible to supervise PIRFO Basic Training and so cannot deliver a full basic training alone but must work under guidance of a PIRFO Trainer and Assessor.
SPC and FFA will monitor and supervise trainers for a period of time prior to certification.
- Trainee Trainers attend 6 observer courses as attachments (a course is for a duration of 5 weeks). During attachments the trainee is exposed to progressively more involvement in observer training, as described in the PIRFO Trainee Attachment Programme.
- Following the attachments (or between attachments if trainee has satisfactorily participated in at least three attachments) the trainee will be invited to join in a recognised (certificate IV level) Train the Trainer course.
A certified PIRFO Trainer will be eligible for employment alongside other certified PIRFO Trainers to help organise and deliver PIRFO Basic Training. They can also deliver refresher training and other in-house training activities, such as specialist training units that they have been endorsed to deliver1.
A certified PIRFO Trainer will NOT be eligible to supervise PIRFO Basic Training and so cannot deliver a full basic training alone but must work under guidance of a PIRFO Trainer and Assessor.
- Opportunity to attend a further recognised certificate IV level ‘Train the Assessor’ course will be made to a certified PIRFO Trainer who demonstrates they have the right aptitude and who wishes to upgrade their qualification to become a certified PIRFO Trainer and Assessor.
SPC and FFA will monitor and supervise trainers for a period of time prior to certification.
Prerequisites and Entry Criteria
Funding and duration
PIRFO Trainee Attachment Programme
First attachment
Once the nominating PIRFO provider has confirmed that an invited candidate will be able to attend, their first attachment will start at the next observer course venue. At this introductory attachment the PIRFO Trainee Trainer will start collecting training materials, notes, guides, manual and presentations (hard and electronic copies) from throughout the course.
The trainee will be required to deliver a trip report at the end of the first attachment that describes the overall course, materials collected and some of the activities conducted during the observer course
The trainee will be required to deliver a trip report at the end of the first attachment that describes the overall course, materials collected and some of the activities conducted during the observer course
Second and third attachment
Fourth attachment
Fifth attachment
Final (sixth attachment)