Emergency Action Plan
“EAP” refers to this Emergency Action Plan;
“Marine Rescue Coordination Center”, means an entity with the available resources to locate persons in distress or an emergency operation to retrieve a person in distress.
“NOP” refers to the National Observer Program”.
“Observer Emergency Situation”, means any situation where the safety of the observer is compromised but are not limited to:a) Attempted Suicideb) Death of observer at sea,c) Depression/ Anxiety (Suspected Mental Disorder),d) Intimidation/ Assault/ Harassment,e) Observer missing out at sea,f) Observer overboard,g) Serious illness and injury,
“Observer Services Provider” means the authorized national observer program under the Western and Central Pacific Commission Regional Observers Program, that usually provides the observer services on fishing vessels fishing in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention Area.
“PIRFO” refers to a Pacific Islander Regional Fisheries Observer.
This plan also provides guidance in the implementation of the WCPFC12 decision regarding Observer Safety.
The plan covers the health and safety of observers serving onboard all fishing vessels, whether publicly or privately owned, and fishing in FFA member countries waters and adjacent high seas.
This EAP will cover all Samoan Fisheries Observers out on ROP trips, UST trips and National trips. It will also cover Regional Fisheries Observers from other programs who are in the line of duty within Samoa’s Exclusive Economic Zone.
This Emergency Action Plan contains courses of action developed to mitigate the dangers of potential events that could endanger the observers from performing their authorized duties. The plan includes measures that provide a systematic approach for ensuring the safety of observers and determining potential emergency situations and appropriate responses to each. It also includes the provisions to assess the severity of an incident and implementing steps to eliminate the problem, for example, observer sending an emergency alert from the vessel to observer coordinators/managers and how the recipients respond to it.
An EAP is also required by WCPFC Observer Safety Standards. Moreover, the purpose of this EAP is to facilitate and organize responses to observers, by observer coordinators/managers, vessel masters/captains, vessel operators/owners, coastal state, flag states and Port States, actions during observer emergencies. It means maintaining an effective tracking and communication networking throughout the situation following and continuing long after an emergency. The elements of the plan include, but are not limited to:
- means of responding to observer Intimidation/Assault/Harassment;
- means of responding to observer serious illness or injury;
- means of responding to observer depression/Anxiety (suspected mental disorder);
- means of responding to observer attempted suicide;
- means of responding to observer overboard;
- means of responding to observer missing at sea;
- means of responding to death of observer at sea;
- person and entities responsible in a given emergency situation and explanation of responsibilities.
This plan is suitable for needs of observer providers, and is not intended to cover crew or other fish workers who will need their own tailored EAPs considering the special characteristics of their workplaces. Observer providers and observers can use this specific EAP to address any outlines observer emergency situations that require special attention and immediate responses. All observer will carry a copy of this EAP every time they are embarking on an observer trip.
The EAP must be updated at least every two years, and should greatly enhance responses to all observer emergencies at sea and reduce any potential injury or death.
This EAP contains step-by-step responses and actions for key personnel or entities (including observer services provider, fishing master/captain, vessel operators, flag States, coastal states, port states and the observers) to deal with at sea emergency situations.
The plan will describe the general responsibilities of the key personnel. The EAP identifies the entities designated to activate the plan, as well as the conditions under which activation is authorized. Emergency response personnel and their responsibilities are also defined in this plan.
Geographical location distance, communication systems and language barriers may also dictate which personnel are involved in the emergency activities. Several entities will be involved, with respective designated personnel from different parties in executing the EAP. Responsible Bodies The responsible bodies for the application of the plan are as follows:
At the central command center: The Observer Coordinator/Manager, through the Fisheries Authority assumes role as the central command center to ensure that the safety of observers is guaranteed;
At the scene of the incident: The Master/Captain of the fishing vessel assumes role as the person in charge, who gives immediate strategic directions or best course of action to mitigate the risk and is responsible for notifying the observer services provider and relevant authorities. However, this is subject to the incident that is occurring. For e.g. the Master/Captain might be responsible for the
Relevant entities: The Operator/Owner, Flag States, Coastal States, Port States assumes the role of investigation and reporting actions taken to the observer services provider and relevant parties and authorities.
Emergency Communication and Reporting This EAP is required by WCPFC observer safety standards for Regional Observer Programme observers. The plan explains the methods and step-by-step processes by which fishing vessel Master/Captain, Vessel Operators, Flag States, Coastal States, Observer Services Provider and Observers themselves, can communicate and report during emergency situations.
The vessel communication systems shall include, but are not limited to:
- satellite telephone;
- high frequency (HF) radio;
- vessel email and internet systems;
- fax;
- two-way communication satellite device;
- sms via inReach unit;
- waterproof lifesaving beacon; and
- any other available means of communication.
The observer shall use the two-way communication satellite device, and a lifesaving beacon issued to him/her prior to placement in the event of an observer emergency situations as appropriate.
The vessel Master/Captain and observers shall use the above vessel communication systems for effective communication during observer emergency situation at sea.
The communication on shore shall include, but are not limited to:
- landline telephone;
- email;
- cellular/mobile telephone;
- fax;
- high frequency (HF) radio;
- skype or other internet communication application; and
- any other available methods of communication.
The Observer Coordinator/Manager, Vessel Operator/Owner, Flag States, Coastal States and Port States shall use any of the above methods for communicating during observer emergencies at sea.
It is highly recommended that, observers must wear the life jacket with a lifesaving beacon attached to it, as well as, other safety gears and carry with them the 2way communication satellite device at all times when on vessel deck. Observer Services Provider and relevant entities need to be in a position to respond in the event of an observer emergency situations that may include; intimidation/ assault/ harassment, serious illness and injury, depression/anxiety, attempted suicide, observer overboard, observer missing, and death of an observer.
Outlined on the following page are essential protocols that must be followed in the event of an observer emergency situation at sea.
An Emergency situation shall refer to any incident where a fisheries observer’s life is in danger. It will also account for the process for the retrieval of a fisheries observer’s body should they pass away due to circumstances outside our control.
In the event of an attempted suicide, the fishing vessel master/captain shall;
- immediately take all necessary actions to care for the observer and provide any suitable stress relief treatment onboard the vessel;
- immediately notify the Observer Coordinator/Manager, via any reliable vessel communication system on-board the vessel, of the situation;
When notifying the Observer Coordinator/Manager, the Vessel Master/Captain shall provide the following:
- the observer’s name;
- details of the observer suicide attempt report from the vessel Master/Captain;
- details of vessel on which the observer is onboard;
- details of company, and owner of the vessel on which the observer is onboard;
- exact position of vessel on which the observer is onboard when alert sent; and
Upon being notified by the fishing vessel master/captain, the observer coordinator/manager or designated officer shall determine the appropriate actions to be taken, which may include:
- removing the observer immediately from the fishing vessel;
- directing the vessel master/captain to facilitate the transfer of observer to an appropriate nearest port for disembarkation as soon as practicable;
- directing vessel master/captain to ensure the care and safety of the observer until the vessel arrived at an appropriate port;
- Maintaining constant communication with the vessel master/captain until the vessel arrived in port.
The fishing vessel master/captain shall also;
- maintain constant communication with observer provider and relevant parties;
- immediately make a port call if situation is life threatening to the observer and crew members;
- provide reasonable care of the observer until the observer coordinator/manager or their agent arrive to take charge;
- cooperate fully in any and all official investigations into the cause of the incident.
The flag state authority of the vessel concerned, shall investigate any such event and take appropriate action in response to the results of the investigation. The flag state and port state shall notify all relevant parties of the results of its investigation and any actions taken. The observer shall not be engaged on observer duties until cleared by a certified medical practitioner for any stress symptoms.
In the event of a death of an observer at sea, the fishing vessel Master/Captain shall; immediately report the incident and location of the vessel via any reliable vessel communication system on-board, of the death of the observer to the Observer Coordinator/Observer Manager or designated officer, including all relevant parties; immediately cease fishing and make an immediate port entry to an appropriate port as designated by the observer services provider, and cooperate in any and all investigations into the death of the observer.
Upon being notified by the fishing vessel master/captain, the observer coordinator/ manager or designated officer shall, direct the vessel to the nearest appropriate port to offload the body of the observer.
The vessel master/captain and the vessel operator shall ensure that the body of the observer is well preserved for the purpose of an autopsy.
When notifying the observer coordinator/manager, the vessel master/captain shall provide the following:
- the observer name;
- details of the death of observer report from the vessel Master/Captain;
- details of vessel of which the observer is onboard;
- details of company, and owner of the vessel of which the observer is onboard;
- exact position of vessel of which the observer is onboard when alert sent; and
The vessel master/captain and vessel operator shall continue to provide necessary assistance for the care and return of the body of the observer and all his/her personal belongings to the observer provider.
The observer provider shall hand over the body of the deceased observer to the immediate family members with all his/her personal belongings.
The vessel master/captain and vessel operator shall provide a full report to the observer service provider and appropriate authorities on the incident and fully cooperate with the investigation, while remaining in port until further notice.
The flag state authority of the vessel concerned, shall investigate any such event and take appropriate action in response to the results of the investigation. The flag state shall notify all relevant parties of the results of its investigation and any actions taken.
In the event of a death of an observer at sea, the fishing vessel Master/Captain shall; immediately report the incident and location of the vessel via any reliable vessel communication system on-board, of the death of the observer to the Observer Coordinator/Observer Manager or designated officer, including all relevant parties; immediately cease fishing and make an immediate port entry to an appropriate port as designated by the observer services provider, and cooperate in any and all investigations into the death of the observer.
Upon being notified by the fishing vessel master/captain, the observer coordinator/ manager or designated officer shall, direct the vessel to the nearest appropriate port to offload the body of the observer.
The vessel master/captain and the vessel operator shall ensure that the body of the observer is well preserved for the purpose of an autopsy.
When notifying the observer coordinator/manager, the vessel master/captain shall provide the following:
- the observer name;
- details of the death of observer report from the vessel Master/Captain;
- details of vessel of which the observer is onboard;
- details of company, and owner of the vessel of which the observer is onboard;
- exact position of vessel of which the observer is onboard when alert sent; and
The vessel master/captain and vessel operator shall continue to provide necessary assistance for the care and return of the body of the observer and all his/her personal belongings to the observer provider.
The observer provider shall hand over the body of the deceased observer to the immediate family members with all his/her personal belongings.
The vessel master/captain and vessel operator shall provide a full report to the observer service provider and appropriate authorities on the incident and fully cooperate with the investigation, while remaining in port until further notice.
The flag state authority of the vessel concerned, shall investigate any such event and take appropriate action in response to the results of the investigation. The flag state shall notify all relevant parties of the results of its investigation and any actions taken.
Upon receiving a report from the master/captain via vessel communication system of the vessel carrying the observer, of the observer suffering from a suspected mental disorder (including but not limited to depression or anxiety), the Observer Coordinator/Manager or designated officer will immediately notify the vessel operator/owner, Flag State, Coastal State Port State of the situation but not limited to the following: observer’s name and programme to which observer belongs; details of the suspected observer up normality details of vessel of which the observer is onboard; details of company, and owner of the vessel of which the observer is onboard; and position of vessel of which the observer is onboard when alert is received.
The Observer Coordinator/Manager or designated officer in contact with the fishing vessel master/vessel operator/owner shall determine whether or not to remove the observer immediately from the fishing vessel.
Where an observer suffers from a suspected depression/anxiety or mental disorder that threatens their health, and/or the health of the, crew members. The master of the fishing vessel shall:
- notify the Observer Coordinator/Manager or designated officer, of the situation immediately;
- ensure the affected observer is kept under constant observation until till the vessel reach port;
- disembark the observer at a nearest appropriate port for medical treatment;
- take full care of the affected observer till the Observer Coordinator/Manager or designated officer or their agent is present to take care of the Observer.
- cooperate fully in any and all official investigations into the cause of the incident.
The observer provider shall notify the observer’s immediate family members of the observer’s condition and as well as providing remedial advice. Observers under depression/anxiety and or suspected mental disorder shall not be engaged for any observer duties until medically cleared by a certified medical practitioner.
Upon receiving an alert from the fishing vessel Master/Captain via vessel communication system of the disappearance of the observer, the Observer Coordinator/Manager or designated officer shall immediately advise the Flag State, Coastal State, Port State FFA and WCPFC of the situation including but not, limited to the following information:
- observer’s name and programme to which observer belongs;
- the circumstances and details relating to the disappearance of the observer;
- details of vessel on which the observer is onboard;
- details of company, and owner of the vessel of which the observer is onboard;
- exact position of vessel of which the observer is onboard when alert sent.
The Master/Captain of the fishing vessel shall immediately notify the Observer Coordinator/Manager, Maritime Rescue Coordination Center, Flag State, Coastal State, FFA and WCPFC of the situation including, but not limited to, the following information:
- details of observer presumed missing onboard the vessel
- latitude and longitude of the vessel when observer is presumed missing;
- date and time of observer presumed missing;
- weather pattern at the time the observers was first noticed to be missing;
- sea state, current and speed at the time the observer was first presumed missing;
- visibility status form the vessel when the observer went missing;
- nearest island or reef in the vicinity of the location when the Observer was first noticed to be missing; Furthermore, the vessel Master/Captain shall;
- immediately cease all fishing and activate search and rescue protocols then conduct a search immediately for at least 72 hours or as otherwise directed by authorities;
- using all available means of communication to immediately notify sister fishing vessels and any other vessels in the vicinity to assist with search and rescue;
- continue such search till observer is located or such time as directed by the search and rescue coordination entity or authority in charge;
- return the vessel for further investigation to the nearest port as designated by the observer service provider; and
- cooperate fully in the investigation, including providing a full report to the observer services provider and appropriate authorities on the incident, while remaining in port until further notice.
The flag state authority of the vessel concerned, shall investigate any such event and take appropriate action in response to the results of the investigation. The flag state shall notify all relevant parties of the results of its investigation and any actions taken.
Upon receiving an alert from the fishing vessel Master/Captain via vessel’s reliable communication systems of observer overboard, the Observer Coordinator/Manager or designated officer shall immediately notify the Flag State, Coastal State, Port States FFA and WCPFC of the situation but not, limited to the following:
- observer’s name and programme to which observer belongs
- details of the observer overboard; details of vessel of which the observer is onboard;
- details of company, and owner of the vessel of which the observer is onboard;
- exact position of vessel of which the observer is onboard when alert sent.
The Master/Captain of the fishing vessel shall provide the following details including, but not limited to the following: latitude and longitude of the vessel when man overboard; date and time of man overboard; weather pattern at the time of man overboard; sea state, current and speed at the time of man overboard; visibility status from the vessel; nearest island or reef in the vicinity of man overboard.
Furthermore, the vessel Master/Captain shall; immediately cease all fishing and activate search and rescue protocols then conducting a search immediately for at least 72 hours or as otherwise directed by authorities; using all available means of communication to immediately alert other vessels in the vicinity to assist with search and rescue; immediately notify the appropriate Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, and the relevant authorities via any reliable vessel communication systems on-board the vessel on the situation; return the vessel for further investigation to the nearest port as designated by the observer service provider; and cooperate fully in the investigation, including providing a full report to the observer provider and appropriate authorities on the incident, while remaining in port until further notice.
The flag state authority of the vessel concerned, shall investigate any such event and take appropriate action in response to the results of the investigation. The flag state shall notify all relevant parties of the results of its investigation and any actions taken.
Upon receiving an alert via any reliable communication system from the vessel Master/Captain or the Observer of serious illness or injury to the observer, the Observer Coordinator/Manager or designated officer will immediately advise, the Vessel Owner, Flag State, Coastal State and Port State of the situation including, but not limited to the following information:
- observer’s name and programme to which observer belongs;
- details of the serious illness or injury to the observer;
- details of vessel of which the observer is onboard;
- details of company, and owner of the vessel of which the observer is onboard; and
- exact position of vessel of which the observer is onboard when alert sent.
The Observer Coordinator/Manager or equivalent officer shall determine whether or not to remove the observer immediately… Where an observer suffers illness or injury that threaten their health or safety... The Master of the fishing vessel shall immediately; take all necessary actions to care for the observer and provide any suitable medical treatment available onboard the vessel; notify the Flag State, the Observer Coordinator/Manager, FFA and WCPFC secretariats, via any reliable communication means of the situation immediately; facilitate the transfer of observer to an appropriate facility or nearest appropriate port for medical care, as designated by the observer provider; and cooperate fully in any and all official investigations into the cause of the illness or injury and remain in port until further notice.
The flag state authority of the vessel concerned, shall investigate any such event and take appropriate action in response to the results of the investigation. The flag state shall notify all relevant parties of the results of its investigation and any actions taken.